Why You Need a Moving Survival Kit

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Moving Survival Kit

Surprise. Surprise! Despite your best efforts it’s beginning to look like the upcoming move won’t be as smooth sailing as you had expected. There are plenty of setbacks that are bound to happen:

  • Vehicle problems
  • Tension and stress
  • Delays

Even if you’ve moved a dozen times, it’s still a painful experience. You may become emotional because you’re leaving a beloved space. You may get irritable from all the heavy lifting and deadlines. A moving survival kit is critical to ease the process. These kits are an excellent way to keep essentials on hand for both physical and psychological health. Never heard of one? You’ll like this…

The Essential Items of a Moving Survival Kit

You may be asking “what goes into a moving survival kit?”. The essentials of the kit are the type of items you may need while you’re in transit and everything packed. These items help with keeping you (and your family) stress-free. It also provides a collection of things to set up once you’ve reached the destination.

Moving Survival Kit

Essential items for the moving survival kit include:

  • First Aid Kit – Bumps, scratches, and cuts are bound to happen during the move. A first aid kit will handle the small incidents. It’s always good to be prepared!
  • Contact List – Bring along a physical record (and copies) of contacts. It’s handy in the event you find yourself in an area without service. Or in the unfortunate accident of losing your phone. This information is also helpful to pass onto your moving service providers in case they have trouble reaching you.
  • Medications – A bit of a no-brainer. You need accessibility to your meds during the trip. Don’t make the mistake of losing them in the mound of boxes.
  • Blankets, Towels, and Toiletries – You may stop over at a hotel/motel but not every location may fit your expectations. It’s nice to have these basics items during the moving process. Also having them available when you arrive if it’s late and you’re ready to turn in for the night.
  • Extras Cash – The unexpected may happen. These unexpected moments may bring on extra financial strains. Set aside a small emergency fund for the move that’s not counted in the moving costs.
  • Camera – It’s always good to take pictures of the home before leaving and when you’re arriving at the new for insurance purposes. Photos of the items being moved will also prevent problems if you need to dispute the moving company for damages. Plus, you can take great pictures of the scenery and family while making the trip!
  • Flashlights, Multi-Tool, and Batteries – Who knows what may happen when you’re on the road! These tools will help you out of difficult situations or at least provide some comfort and control in stressful situations.
  • Pet SuppliesTaking the family pet along in the car for the move? Bring along a portable water dish, a container of food, baggies for their waste, and toys to keep them happy and entertained. These are the essentials. The items you’d desire for everyday living, but there are others you may want to include to add fun and variety. This is particularly true if the move is taking longer than expected.

Some Extras to Include in your Moving Survival Kit

The extras are the “distraction” items — the items to keep the children busy while on the open road or comforting things to reduce the stress. Consider adding some of these things into the kit rather than including them in the packing list for the moving truck:

  • DVDs, Tablets, and Portable Radio – Some areas of the country you will be hard pressed to find reception for your phones. A portable radio, DVD player (and DVDs), or a tablet full of games and movies will keep you and the family entertained during the “blackouts.”
  • Favorite Snacks – You may not find your favorite snacks in the new areas you’re headed. Stock up and have them as comfort food! This goes the same for drinks that may not be in the new areas.
  • Toys & Games – It’s always a good idea to keep a few toys, board games, and card games on hand when making the move. This will keep the children entertained so you can keep your eyes on the road.
  • Crafts – Paper craft, scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, and other little projects are a great way to stay entertained or keep the kids quiet. Maybe have a theme while you’re at it. Try making crafts about the move so by the time you’re settled into the new place you have neat items to hang on the fridge and walls!
  • Extra Bags – Trash bags and little grocery bags will help keep the car from clutter if you’re not stopping or have access to throw out any wrappers and cups along the way.
  • Music Devices – If the phone is loaded with music that works fine. If not then a dedicated MP3 player can come in handy if the group of you can’t decide on which radio station to tune into.
  • Camping Gear – Those making a long-distance move will have access to thousands of wonderful locations in the wild. It would be a shame to pass over national parks and other fun areas where you and the family may camp. Think of the thrills of stopping over to see the magnificent scenery and sit around a campfire versus holed up in a hotel. Sure, you have phones and other devices to keep distracted. But personal items that add comfort can be a great reminder of your past and the exciting adventures to be had. After all…

Soon You’ll Be Settled In

Moving is stressful especially because there’s always a chance something can create a setback. The move will reach completion. Creating a moving survival kit is a smart way to make a move an enjoyable experience even when things go wrong. Planning is the key to local and long-distance moving. We hope you consider building a kit. If you are still stressing, then you’re more than welcome to get in touch and learn about our moving services. We aim to make the transition as simple and stress-free as possible.