Explore the Rocky Mountains
Idaho’s iconic mountains are one of the most celebrated draws of this beautiful state. Part of the Rocky Mountains that stretch across the Western US, Idaho’s Bitterroot Range sweeps across 4,862 square miles of the state. Clustered across the Idaho Panhandle, these mountains spill over into Montana and have earned such monikers as the Montana Alps. From picturesque peaks like Borah Peak, Trapper Peak, and Leatherman Peak to the Idaho Batholith – a 200-mile crest of rugged peaks scarred by steep canyons that features the largest federally protected wilderness area in the continental US, the Selway – Bitterroot Wilderness.
This wild backcountry is a hiker’s paradise, home to an amazing variety of trails, lakes, and rivers. The Selway – Bitterroot Wilderness is ideal for those who want to explore the unspoiled, rugged splendor of Idaho’s mountains. There’s the Blodgett Overlook Trail, Bear Creek Trail, Bass Lake, and climbs up St. Mary Peak within this pristine wilderness. And the Nez Perce National Historic Trail provides opportunities for walkers to enjoy varied scenery and a route that wanders for miles across Idaho on its way from Oregon to Montana.
There are also hubs of outdoor recreation like Silver Mountain in Kellogg and Lost Trail Powder Mountain. Here you can provide yourself with a base to explore the wild mountains, lakes, and rivers of Idaho during all seasons of the year. Coeur d’Alene, a picturesque and historic community sitting beside a scenic lake of the same name, provides another great option for lodging and equipping yourself to explore the beautiful interior of Idaho.